The first genocide

of the 5. century nC:


436 nC


Turk tribes

of the Kaukasus, Askinasi-Huns, with an army on horses in Europe. Many of them victims of the hereditary brain disease of the sex-murderer. At that time still followers of the Schaman-Religion (skulls and bones). Later, in 800 nC, they became  Jews, by order of their king.




the Burgundeans,

a German tribe at the Rhine. All men, women and kids were slaughtered by the cavalry army of the Huns under their King Attila. Sex-murderers.



Books of History

all, without exception.


The first genocide

of the 20. century nC:




Turk tribes 

Turks and Kurds in Asia Minor.




Armenians and Arameans

neighbour nations of Turks and Kurds. All red-blond men, women and kids in Armenia, which could be catched by the black-hair Turks, were slaughtered. Sure 1 Million. Probably more.

100 km south of Armenia lived Christian Arameans. 500.000 of them were slaughtered systematically. Today Kurds are living in this region.

Books of History,

with exception of those in Turkey. Turkey denies the genocide. However, the pope stays speaking of Genocide: of Genocide-1. We hope that he is aware of the true background of Genocide-2 (1940-45) and of Genocide-3 (1945-48) in the 20. century also.

We learn from the Turks:  doers deny.

The second genocide

of the 20. century nC:


1940 -1945 


Turk tribes

descendants of the Huns, Turk-tribes with origin Kaukasus, numerously present in Europe since the great migration of the nations (1376 nC), and in USA, undercover as secret society, chameleons, difficultly to recognize. Only a part of them appears openly: as Jews. (Since 800 nC they are, by order of their king, officially followers of the Jewish religion: wrong Jews.)

Hitler-Rothschild in Germany and President F.D. Roosevelt in USA were leading members of the secret society of the Huns. Hitler-Rothschild and Roosevelt and their farly ramified Askinasi-Clan were the main wrongdoers of the massmurder on the true Jews.  The Askinasi-Clan, organized as a secret society, has everywhere its fingers in the game. Also in today’s politics.




European Jews,

the frizzy-haired Palestina-Jews in first line, but partly also the unimportant European Askinasi-Jews, the grocer-Jews.

The ‘Askinasi-Elite’ in USA strives for world rulership. It wanted to dump ballast. “Wir wollten die europäischen Jagdgründe für uns!” an USA-Askinasi confessed, laughing. Because of hereditary brain-disease (Extreme-Sadism) many of them are without empathy and feel great pleasure while killing. Sex-murderers.


Books of History,

with information about the victims and, brain-washing, with wrong information about the wrong-doers. No differentiation between Palestina-Jews (true Jews) and Askinasi-Jews (wrong Jews) in the books of history. The Askinasi-murderers want to shift the guilt to the Germans. But in IQ they meet contradiction. IQ has knowledge of the real history. Because the wrong-doer group (unpunished until today) is sitting in many places in the power organs and in the mass-media, using brainwash technology, it can persist the wrong version of history. How long still?




The third genocide

of the 20. century nC

with more victims than ever


1945 -1948 


Turk tribes

descendants of the Huns, Turk tribes with origin Kaukasus, numerously present in Europe and in USA,  numerously present in the victor armies of USA, France, England after WW2, undercover as secret society, chameleons, difficultly to recognize. Only a part of them appears openly: as Jews. Hitler-Rothschild in Germany and US-President F.D. Roosevelt in USA and their farly ramified Askinasi-Clan, the main wrongdoers of the massmurder on the true Jews, had plans going farer: still more killing activities:


After the little Jews all Germans and all Austrians were to be killed. Disarming of the Germans was step 1.  After that the Huns had planned to organize an artificial starvation. Behind smoke-screens  they wanted to let die from hunger all 80 millions. The real and unadorned Morgenthau-Plan! Morgenthau, the inventor of the plan, an Askinasi-Jew in USA. New murder-technology! 



10 Million Germans

and Austrians

After the disarming of the Germans Askinasi-Huns in power positions inside the victor armies started at once, applied the criminal plan. 10 Million Germans died in the artificially made starvation. See time witnesses: “I cried because of hunger, then 7 years old, and only skin and bones. Each morning a train of trucks with new dead people, killed by hunger, rode to the graveyard.“


But the Clan of Criminals experienced counter blows: Its leader US-Präsident F.D.Roosevelt died. The new US-President Truman stayed working against the crime:  After 3 years of a hard battle against the inpalpable clan, invisibly active everywhere,  he could stop the crime: He succeeded to launch the Marshall-Plan.    Books of James Bacque, Canada: ‘Verschwiegene Schuld’  and ‘The planned Death’,  ISBN 10-3-93 23 81-24-6


Until now no description of


the biggest genocide ever


in the books of history.


Silencing to death in place of that.


But numerous sources are proofs of the massmurder with new murder-technology (more dead people than in all geocides before) and the Morgenthau-Plan behind:  the  Askinasis wanted to make totally free Middle Europe, including also the Netherlands and Polen, in order to establish there their new empire. They wanted to possess a large green and fertil country -  not a small dry country full of stones as Israel, which they possess now.


James Bacque, scientist from Canada, has densified the proofs by his study of the sources and by further investigations.


Under others he proves Million-Gaps under the inhabitants of Germany, gaping between the censusses of population 1946 and 1950: behind smoke-screens and newsblockades of the victors  these Germans were starved to death. Eisenhower and de Gaule starved 3 Million war-prisoners to death in the camps. Besides died at least 7 million women and children as effect of their starvation-politics.







The first genocide

of the 21. century

is approaching


The victims: we all

The doers: the Huns



The Askinasi-Clan, richer than ever before, with a big group of billionairs at the top, is working on an amplified Morgenthau-Plan:  they want to clear out the whole planet from unwanted other people via hungerdeath-war to take in possess the Earth. After their first trial in Europe in 1945-1948, which was half a failure and half a success(*), they intend to apply their new murder-technology on big scale now. This improved murder technology enables them, being only a relative small group, to kill a group, which is 100 times bigger than themselves. Insider went in ecstacies, when informed over the newest state of the war preparations. In their fit of delight they gave away the plan unwillingly (once more: there are several sources, informing us over the approaching attack).

(* ‘half a success’: [a] they could kill 10 million of the intended 80 million opponents, [b] they managed to build up a dense net of power positions in the police, in the courts /under judges, in politics /parliament, in the media, in the economy inside Germany to be able to manipulate the life of the surviving 70 million, a power net, active until today /technology of subversive rulership)


Who were the insiders: a group of NL-professors at the Technical University Delft:  Technicians of the Death.


If we are attentive and use defence tools:

the DIM-Memory-Test, which can unearth everything, until the details, then we can brake the sick-criminal people.

It’s now some years ago, that we became eye witnesses of the sick ecstacy of delight of the professors: “Wij gaan het nog meemaken! ….., wij gaan het nog meemaken!” (“We shall go through it!  …. We shall go through it!”) For the Askinasis it is a huge technical  task to overcome a much bigger opponent. The more vigilant the opponent, the more difficult becomes the task. We have been warning since that time.continuously. And our warning website stays online and is actualized, as today. Did new difficulties pile up for the Askinasis in the meantime? We could think, that people, made attentive by us, who cannot talk much, in no case as unadorned as we, but who have possibilities, in het framework of their possibilities have made preparations for case X.  High military men f.i., standing on the side of the people. When they, by vigilance, can hold free their units of Askinasis, who could commit sabotage in case X, then this means already something. Then their units stay ready for battle, a factor, which can start a counter attack against the Morgenthau-attack. That means already something.

Our website will stay online. Our actions around DIM increase. Our verbal attacks and DIM attacks on chameleons, behind which we see main actors of the sick Clan, increase. Our goal is that the Morgenthau attack becomes impossible and never comes. 1945-1948 the killer clan was stopped by random backlashes (Roosevelt died, the Russian army, present in Poland and Eastern Gemany, was following another plan … ). Today we have more possibilities to provoke the backlashes ourselves.


Main actors of the clan, chameleons, are sitting on power posts, manipulating. Some are sitting as ministers in governments.


It is evident that populations, when attacked via the Morgenthau-strategy, have better chances of survival, if they have decentralized energy sources. In that case destruction of large power stations will have no effect.


"At all costs we have to inhibit, that the population gets decentralized energy sources! " said the Minister of Economic Affairs of Germany, Gabriel, in a private circle. That became known and caused thrill. 

Is the circle, in which Gabriel pronounced this treacherous sentence, an Askinasi-circle?

Has Gabriel made this statement in the context of the planned starvation attack on the population? Is Economy Minister Gabriel an Askinasi-warrior? He has physical characteristics that indicate Askinasi-descent, so f.i. bushy dark eyebrows. And he wears a typical Askinasi name. You do not even need the background knowledge, which we have, to realize that Gabriel is an enemy of the people. The statement alone is proof enough. However, with our background knowledge it gets a new dimension.


The Minister of Economic Affairs of Germany is Mr. Gabriel.

The Minister of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands is Mr. Kamp.


Minister Kamp is controversial because since many years he is pumping,  together with Shell, ruthlessly gas out of the ground in Groningen, so that earthquakes occur and houses get cracks in ceilings and walls and people are living in fear.

As a judge forbade further opening of the gas crane, Kamp said before TV cameras: "We need the gas! Unfortunately, there is no alternative technology that can produce enough clean energy." That is a big lie! In cold blood Kamp is lying. Already long before, IQ-people have informed Kamp personally and have offered to him and to the Ministry the technology of cloud windmills. See! His reaction was to run away, refusing to go on speaking. Where opportunities could open to address him, he uses to block any contact by third persons. Silencing and starving existing technologies to death, pretending before TV-cameras, that they don’t exist: this malicious behavior is what we observe. Is Kamp a chameleon-Askinasi? Does Kamp draw pleasure out of his vicious games? Pleasure to make damage? Sick pleasure! As in Groningen! Some provable pronunciations of him point that out.


Ministers of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands and in Germany, refusing to answer questions at the corruption-test-computer DIM! Ministers of Economic Affairs, at the same time producing damage politics, in order to prepare the hunger death of the citizens of their countries: is it that?


Where the Ministers find it important to sabotage local energy sources, we find it important to put through the project P5:
We start building / reconstructing all 5 energy machines, which were there and disappeared. 
See! (Ecce0-intelligent-energy-policy)
One team working on each type of machine: on the machines of Tesla, Meyer, Baumann, Niessen and Fleischmann. Competition: which team reaches the goal first?
Financing of P5 by Crowdfunding. Each reader can donate. Each reader may ask his friends to donate. It's about something!

The Lufthansa should have known it! There were hints enough, that in the head of co-pilot Andreas Lubitz massmurder- and suicide-plans were concocting together: Kamikaze-plans. But the managers of Lufthansa and GermanWings were focused on money: press costs and earn more! Result of their blindness: Giant Damage: huge reputational damage, a lost Airbus (€ 200 million loss.) and 150 times € 100,000 compensation payments to the families of those, who died in the Kamikaze act: 15 million €.


In the Airbus of Kamikaze-Pilot Andreas Lubitz 150 persons were sitting. They died when Lubitz steered the plane intentiously against a mountain in the Alps.


In the Airbus Holland 17 million citizens are sitting. Economy minister Henk Kamp is sitting as Co-Pilot at the helm.

In the Airbus Germany 83 million citizens are sitting. Economy minister Gabriel is sitting as Co-Pilot at the helm.

All precursory symptoms, under them suppression of locale energy sources of the EccE-type, are hinting on the intention of Gabriel and Kamp to abuse their function of today to steer the Airbusses Germany and Holland against mountain flanks in the Morgenthau-Alps. Ejector seats they have planned in only for themselves.

Will the few surviving relatives of the 100 million dead people  be moaning later: “We have missed to send Gabriel and Kamp to the Psycho-Test!”? “We were blind! Enough signs were present to cast suspicion on the both! We missed to set Gabriel and Kamp at the DIM-Testcomputer! 30 minutes of DIM-Test would have been enough. They would have opened our eyes!”? “Now we have 100 million hunger-deads and cannot make them live again!” ?

Would it not have been better to form a big group beforehand to exert pressure? Voluntarily the supposed Kamikaze-Pilots Gabriel and Kamp don’t do the test! They feel strong and go on playing their games, because they are supported by invisible chameleon-conplayers, by wrong Jews in the secret society of the Askinasi-Clan.

The gamer-group has its preprogrammed reactions (verbal and non-verbal answers) to whistle-blowers /warning voices: Again it will speak of IQ-Party ‘developing complot-theories’ (a). Or try to silence to death the IQ-comparision of the Kamikaze-Co-Pilots Gabriel,  Kamp with Andreas Lubitz (b). Or send out profi-killers, in order to lay onto the speaching persons the big silence by poison, by ‘accident’, …  or by bullets (c). *)

All these 3 reactions of the sick gamer-group could be observed many times in the past.

*) In 2007 ‘The Red-Green-Societies’, a secret society of Japan and China, has set a brake on these killing activities of the Askinasis by a threat. Reason: they had discovered, that the Askinasis had killed 200 leading people in Japan, using a poison, causing heart failure.


Everything is connected to everything:

Mistakes of the normal society have led to the situation, that the sick group became so strong and dominant, that it now can threaten the normal society with the said death-games, with extinction via hungerdeath-war according to the Morgenthau-Plan:

In earlier times normal people reacted too simply on a certain disease: they used to hang up catched sick individuals in trees. So they managed to extinguish the dull ones. Now we have big hindrance of the extraordinary intelligent ones, using skillfully all weaknesses of the normal citizens as few insight, uncertainty, passivity and affectability for brain washing, in order to play their game.

From the mistakes of the past we can conclude: we should heal this kind of sick people in the same way, as we heal people with other diseases - killing them because they stay making big damage consciously is not good. Science can develop a therapy. Science can manage that!

Let’s pull Gabriel and Kamp off the ministerseats and send them into a sanatorium! Then things will run better. Everything is connected to everything:


The secret services have the task to protect the population against extraordinary threats by warning early enough. Intelligent normal people, who are attentive, know already, which ‘games’ are played. Enough hints are present! The secret services are aware of them also, and even of more. Why don’t they say a word to the broad public about the threatening hungerdeath-attack ?

Insiders came to the opinion, that the German, the Dutch, the American and the Israelian secret services are ‘a single Klumpatsch”, are more or less the same. Here the Israelian Mossad is called in one breath with our secret services. That says enough: all are infiltrated and dominated by Askinasi-Jews, by Askinasi-people with this dangerous disease. When disclosing further sets of original NSA-papers Ex-NSA-member Edward Snowden is proving always new: on big scale the secret services are gathering dates over normal citizens. Why? In order to tailor the planned Morgenthau-attack on us on size to give it more impact?

Also secret services members must be tested via the DIM-computer! After the test-reeks real protectors are sitting in the services. Together with others they will also take care, that sick Askinasi-people don’t climb on minister seats. Also here is true:  Everything is connected to everything:


At the end, let us stay still a while with the question:

How can we see, where Askinasi-people are sitting in power positions? What are conspicious elements?

Suppression of Clean-Energy-Technologies is a criterion:

The City of Delft in the Netherlands, near to Rotterdam and near to Den Haag, is reduced to beggary, has huge debts, while it could be the richest city of the country. It should have had a normal mayor  [burgemeester] only and normal submayors [wethouders] ! :

In Delft the cloudwindmill ‘Stormbird’ [die Wolkenwindmaschine ‘Sturmvogel’] was developed, in EccE0  described at position 4.  The inventor got the international Innovation-Award of DSM, worldwide known. The TU Delft wrote a positive report: “The technology surprises. It is truly innovative. And it can be put into reality, using existing means.” The City of Delft, at that time still rich, had enough reasons to support the invention with a bit subvention money in order to build a prototype, as initial ignition. The town has had the chance to become the center of a flourishing Stormbird-industry and to harvest much.

A letter of the inventor to the mayor Verkerk stayed without answer.  However, when personally addressed the mayor played the supporter role. But his submayors Grashoff and Vuijk blocked hard, at the end with really silly arguments, bare nonesense. And mayor Verkerk moaned: “I can do nothing! I have no power! In the Netherlands the submayors have the power.” However, you could see him frequently standing together with his Intimus Ronald Vuijk, talking trustily, laughing together. Later Roland Vuijk and Rik Grashoff became a seat in the parliament of the Netherlands, as reward. Real ‘friends’ of Clean Energy in the parliament of the Netherlands! And sure not the only friends of this kind there! Infiltration of the parliament with enemies of the people. Therefore Minister Kamp can produce his pronounciations: “Fitting EccE-Technology is not yet present!” without a rebellion breaking out in the parliament calling him back as liar.


But everything is connected to everything:

The population wanting ecce, has no grip on the courses of deceit. The narrowly meshed fraud net, which IQ is picturing here  [mayor, submayors —> delegates, Ministers], shows to be still stronger.  A new book formulates it, hitting the point: “Patterns of deceit. Nothing is, what it likes to be.” (book from Willem Middelkoop). Endless corruption!

The Stormbird-Technology was improved in steps. The machine became still much stronger than it had been in the time of the 1. TU-report. Never the mayor or the sabotating submayors have asked a single question in relation to these improvements. Inspite of being informed. Silencing to death instead! That is a very clear proof of the intention of the 3 persons to strangulate the technology. Mayor Verkerk included.

The TU-scientist, who had written the first positive report, wanted to write a still much better report, after being informed over a set of improvements. Therefore he phoned to the ministery of economics. Enemies of the people (Askinasis) there verbade him to write the intended report. That interdiction made him so furious, that he wrote it inspite of the veto, on white paper, without TU-Logo. Doing so he  took the risk to loose his job at the TU Delft. He writes, that the calculations of the inventor, concerning the improved Giga-cloudwindmill, are correct. A performance, never seen before, a productivity, never seen before, now possible!


Each investor reacts positively on a patent. A missing patent is a brake. Cheating Askinasi-Jews know that also. Therefore patents over important energy inventions have to be blocked:

The inventor wrote a patent application and brought it to the EPO-patentoffice in Rijkswijk. With the authorized examiner he discussed the text thoroughly. The examiner showed, that he understood the text. Suddenly his chief entered the room - it was evident that he had listened via a microphone - and declared frankly: “Diese Anmeldung hat als unverständlich zu gelten!” [speaking German. That means: “This application has to be declared not understandable.”]. Later the inventor received a short letter: “The application is totally not understandable. Therefore a patent is impossible.” The paid fee 5000 Euro the inventor could write into the wind.

The entitled examiner got furious over this fraud. Furiously he refused to sign the fraud paper. It was signed by the secretary of his chief. Invalidly signed! The patent office has to pay the inventor a lot of money as damage compensation for patent fraud.

The fraud net is rather dense. The Askinasi-Jews permit themselves a lot. They are thinking in power positions.

Hidden fraud is the usual. Why don’t they bounce back from open deceit, when it goes about energy?  The answer: they want the main price! The main price is: the Planet Earth for the Askinasi-Clan. Should populations get rich local energy systems into their possess, then the Askinasis can foreget the main price. Then the hungerdeath genocide doesn’t function any more. So they are willing to commit each fraud, also open fraud. They want the main price.


We want to give them the real main price!

The real main price is mental health, also for Askinasis.

That is equal to the 3. spearpoint in the program of IQ-Party. .

We can only be fully okay, when the Askinasis are also okay: when they are  freed of their brain disease.

Everything is connected to everything!



End  party1-2-6  —————  more






     This is the long form.    

     short form:   Click    here !


Bundespräsident Gauck sagte am 26.4.2015 in einer TV-Rede auf einer Holocaust-Gedenkfeier: “Es ist erschütternd, dass soetwas in einem zivilisierten Volk geschah. Ich habe bis heute nicht verstanden, wie das geschehen konnte!”

Nun hat die Wissenschaft das versteckte ‘wie und warum’ ausgegraben:

Eine versteckte Hirnkrankheit, die erbliche Krankheit des Lustmörders, steht im Hintergrund. Diese Hirnkrankheit hat viele Mitglieder einer Geheimgesellschaft im Griff und macht die Geheimgesellschaft zu einer Mordgesellschaft. Schlau und mächtig schiebt die Geheimge-sellschaft die Schuld an ihren Massenmorden anderen zu. Hier den Deutschen. Doch die Deutschen waren es nicht. Es waren die Hunnen mit Ursprung Kaukasus. Manche von ihnen, wie Hitler-Rothschild und andere Kopfstücke der Nazis, in deutschen Uniformen, Chamäleons, schwer zu erkennen. Dieselben, deren Vorväter unter Leitung von Attila den bekannten Völkermord an den Burgundern begingen. Dieselben, die 1945-1948 den Völkermord an den Deutschen versuchten und dabei mindestens 10 Millionen Deutsche umbrachten (offiziell totgeschwiegen bis heute). Dieselben, die insgeheim einen noch viel grösseren Massenmord vorbereiten.

Es ist die Lustkrankheit, die im Hintergrund steht. Das ist die eigentliche Ursache.


Die Diagnose der Krankheit ist heute mit der Test-Technik DIM möglich.

Nun noch die Therapie dazu!

So ist es unsere Verantwortung, dafür zu sorgen, dass die Hirnkrankheit heilbar wird.

Das ist auch der sicherste Weg, den geplanten neuen Massenmord der Hunnen zu verhindern.

IQ-Partei ruft den Bundespräsidenten auf, für den Start des Grossprojektes “Heilung der gefährlichsten Hirnkrankheit” einzutreten.

Wir denken: er hat das Format, diesen Schritt tun zu können.


Lesestoff für Politiker . Reading-matter for politiciens .   EccE  Energy, Enough cheap clean Energy   IQ-politics against idiotic politics   Europa’s Rettung

www.party1-1   IQ-Parteiprogramm, 3 spearheads   Weltverbesserung

www.party1-8   neue-gewaltfreie-kampfformen-de

www.party5-8.    Ebola bei Steinzeitmenschen   fremdenkritisch-ja-fremdenfeindlich-nein-de    the most-effective-strategy-planned-death-de-gb   6-punkte-im-machtsystem

A lesson in history


Pope Franziskus

and witnesses about

Genocides in past

and future


Time   Doers   Victims   Proofs